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Αισχύλος, 525-456 BC ,  Ancient Greek tragedian
Aeschylus The first of the great dramatists of classical Athens, who raised the new art of tragedy to great heights of poetry and theatrical power.
Only seven of his estimated seventy to ninety plays have survived. He is often described as the father of tragedy.

55 quotes4,400 visits

Latin Quotes

Let us listen to the other side.

Audiatur et altera pars.

Ancient Greek

Death is the healer of incurable diseases.

Θάνατος των ανηκέστων κακών ιατρός.

Better to die once and for all than to suffer pain for all my life.

Κρείσσον γαρ εισάπαξ θανείν
ή τας απάσας ημέρας πάσχειν κακώς.

—  Prometheus Bound

A huge tree can tower from a tiny seed.

Σμικρού γένοιτ’ αν σπέρματος μέγας πυθμήν.

—  Libation bearers

For wealth is useless to the dead.

Ως τοις θανούσι πλούτος ουδέν ωφελεί.

—  Persians

Wise is he who knows useful things, not he who knows many things.

Χρήσιμ’ ειδώς ουχ ο πολλά ειδώς σοφός.

The words of the truth are simple.

Απλά γαρ εστι της αληθείας έπη.

—  Award of the Arms

Surely to die with glory is a blessing for the mortals.

Ευκλεώς τοι κατθανείν χάρις βροτώ.

—  Agamemnon

Learning by suffering.

Πάθει μάθος.

—  Agamemnon

Bronze is the mirror of the form; wine, of the heart.

Κάτοπτρον είδους χαλκός εστί, οίνος δε νοός.

The ceaseless twinkling of laughter of the waves of the sea.

Ποντίων τε κυμάτων ανήριθμον γέλασμα.

—  Prometheus Bound

The beds are filled with tears longing for the men.

Λέκτρα δ’ ανδρών πόθω πίμπλαται δακρύμασιν.

—  Persians

Forward, you sons of Hellas! Set your country free! Set free your sons, your wives, the tombs of your ancestors, and temples of your gods . All is at stake now, fight!

Ώ παίδες Ελλήνων, ίτε ελευθερούτε πατρίδ’ ελευθερούτε δε παίδας, γυναίκας, θεών τε πατρώων έδη, θήκας τε προγόνων νυν υπέρ πάντων αγών

—  Persians

The fight does not wait for those who delay.

Αγών ου μένει άνδρας λελειμμένους.

—  Glaucus of Pontus

Time as he grows old teaches all things.

Εκδιδάσκει πάνθ’ ο γηράσκων χρόνος.

—  Prometheus Bound

Rule yourself what is your own.

Ων έχεις αυτός κράτει.

—  Eumenides

I hold my own mind and think apart from other men.

Δίχα δ’ άλλων μονόφρων ειμί.

—  Agamemnon

By deeds, not words.

Έργω κ’ ουκέτι μύθω.

—  Prometheus Bound

You pay the hit with a hit.

Τύμμα τύμματι τίσαι.

—  Agamemnon

It is not the oath that makes us believe the man, but the man the oath.

Ουκ ανδρός όρκοι πίστις, αλλ’ όρκων ανήρ.

—  Fragments

But when a man speeds toward his own ruin, god gives him help.

Αλλ’, όταν σπεύδη τις αυτός, χω θεός συνάπτεται.

The night likes to cause pain to the wise ruler.

Φιλεί ωδίνας τίκτειν νυξ κυβερνήτη σοφώ.

—  Libation bearers

Sometimes fear is a good thing.

Έσθ’ όπου το δεινόν εύ.

—  Eumenides

Hunger coexists with darkness.

Σκότω λιμός ξύνοικος.

—  Agamemnon

Do not kick against the pricks, you will hurt yourself.

Προς κέντρα μη λάκτιζε, μη παίσας μογής.

(it is an ancient proverb)

—  Agamemnon

Times purifies all things that age with time.

Χρόνος καθαίρει πάντα γηράσκων ομού.

—  Eumenides

No one is free but Zeus.

Ελεύθερος γαρ ου τις εστί πλην Διός.

—  Prometheus Bound

Zeus whoever he may ever be.

Ζευς όστις ποτ’ εστίν.

—  Agamemnon

Sickness and health are neighbors with a common wall.

Υγιείας... νόσος γαρ γείτων ομότοιχος.

—  Agamemnon

If you pollute clear water with mud, you shall never find to drink.

Βορβόρω θ’ ύδωρ λαμπρόν μιαίνων ούποθ’ ευρήσεις ποτόν.

—  Eumenides

No boaster he, but with a hand which sees the thing to do.

Ανήρ άκομπος, χειρ δ’ ορά το δράσιμον.

His resolve is not to seem, but to be, the best.

Ου γαρ δοκείν άριστος, αλλ’ είναι θέλει.

—   Seven against Thebes

God loves to assist the man who works hard.

Φιλεί δε τω κάμνοντι συσπεύδειν θεός.

For things with no benefit do not try in vain.

Τα μηδέν ωφελούντα μη πόνει μάτην.

—  Prometheus Bound

You will not be tolerated if you are successful.

Ουκ αν φορητός είης, ει πράσσοις καλώς.

—  Prometheus Bound

The power of necessity is irresistible.

Το της ανάγκης εστί αδήριτον σθένος.

—  Prometheus Bound

Gain upon gain, and interest to boot!

Κέρδει κέρδος άλλο τίκτεται.

—  Seven against Thebes

Man tend to trample the fallen.

Βροτοίς πέφυκε τον πεσόντα λακτίσαι.

—  Agamemnon

Words are the doctors of a temper diseased.

Οργής ματαίας εισί αίτιοι λόγοι.

Arrogance in full bloom bears a crop of ruinous folly from which it reaps a harvest all of tears.

Ύβρις γαρ εξανθούσ᾽ εκάρπωσεν στάχυν άτης, όθεν πάγκλαυτον εξαμά θέρος.

Dare to be boastful, like a cock beside his female.

Kόμπασον θαρσών, αλέκτωρ ώστε θηλείας πέλας.

—  Agamemnon

It is horrible for a woman to stay home alone without a man.

Το μεν γυναίκα πρώτον άρσενος δίχα ήσθαι δόμοις έρημον έκπαγλον κακόν.

As to the rest I am silent. A big ox stands upon my tongue.

Τα δ’ άλλα σιγώ. Βους επί γλώσσηι μέγας βέβηκεν.

—  Agamemnon

Which of these options is without bad implications?

Τι τώνδ’ άνευ κακών;

—  Agamemnon

Many a hope hath made shipwreck, only one have I seen fulfilled.

Πολλών ραγεισών ελπίδων μιάς τυχών.

—  Agamemnon

Helen? Ship destroyer, men destroyer, city destroyer.

Θ’ Ελέναν; επεί πρεπόντως ελέναυς έλανδρος ελέπτολις.

(a play on her name and έλω [=kill])

—  Agamemnon

Surely it is not for a woman to long for battle.

Ούτοι γυναικός εστιν ιμείρειν μάχης.

—  Agamemnon

Respect neither anarchy nor tyranny.

Το μητ’ άναρχον μήτε δεσποτούμενον... σέβειν.

—  Eumenides

To be happy is a god among men and more than a god.

Το δ’ ευτυχείν τοδ’ εν βροτοίς θεός τε και θεού πλέον.

—  Libation bearers

Every ruler new to power is harsh.

Άπας δε τραχύς όστις αν νέον κρατή.

—  Prometheus Bound

Oh handicraft that I hate so much!

Ω πολλά μισηθείσα χειρωναξία!

—  Prometheus Bound

And now I am the miserable sport of the wind!

Νυν δ’ αιθέριον κίνυγμ’ ο τάλας.

—  Prometheus Bound

The will of Zeus, the hand of Hephæstus.

Βούλευμα μεν το Δίον, Ηφαίστου δε χειρ.

((for the torture of Prometheus))

He or silence keeps or speaks in season.

Φιλεί δε σιγάν ή λέγειν τα καίρια.

He who is not enviable is not admirable.

Ο δ’ αφθόνητός γ’ οὐκ επίζηλος πέλει.

—  Agamemnon

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 Popular Sources
1 Seneca
2 Epicurus
3 Shakespeare
4 Lenin
5 Nietzsche
6 Cicero
7 Horace
8 Talleyrand
9 Einstein
10 Jean-Paul Sartre
11 Julius Caesar
12 G. Bernard Shaw
13 Otto von Bismarck
14 Napoleon
15 Blaise Pascal
16 Lao-Tzu
17 Oscar Wilde
18 Aristotle
19 Plato
20 Socrates
21 Wolfgang Goethe
22 Homer
23 William Blake
24 Ghandi
25 Benjamin Franklin
26 Karl Marx
27 Hippocrates
28 Schopenhauer
29 Voltaire
30 John Kennedy
31 Diogenes
32 Abraham Lincoln
33 Jean Cocteau
34 Kavafy
35 Churchill
36 Eugene Ionesco
37 Heraclitus
38 Fernando Pessoa
39 Disraeli
40 Victor Hugo


2025: Manolis Papathanassiou