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Πλούταρχος, 47-120 AD ,  Ancient Greek historian
PlutarchPlutarch was a philosopher, historian, biographer and priest at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi (for 30 years).
He is known primarily for his Parallel Lives, a series of biographies of illustrious Greeks and Romans, and Moralia, a collection of essays, quotations and speeches.

22 quotes1,515 visits


There are two sentences inscribed upon the Ancient oracle... “Know thyself” and “Nothing too much”; and upon these all other precepts depend.

The measure of a man is the way he bears up under misfortune.

Know how to listen, and you will profit even from those who talk badly.

An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all republics.

I don't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.

Ancient Greek

The measure of life is its beauty not its length.

Μέτρον βίου το καλόν ου το του χρόνου μήκος.

Nobility is a good thing, but it was the achievement of your ancestors.

Ευγένεια καλόν μεν αλλά προγόνων αγαθόν.

Being drunk is the same with being in love: it makes people warm and cheerful and loose.

Τω μεθύειν το εράν όμοιόν εστι. Ποιεί γαρ θερμούς και ιλαρούς και διακεχυμένους.

Nothing depends on luck, but all on good judgment and diligence.

Μηδέν της τύχης, αλλά πάντα της ευβουλίας και της προνοίας.

Many things about anger are horrible, and may are absurd.

Πολλά εστι του θυμού φοβερά, πολλά δε και γελοία.

Wrong timing is very dangerous.

Έχει κίνδυνον η ακαιρία μέγαν.

No one believes those who talk much even when they are telling the truth.

Απιστούνται δ’ oι λάλοι καν αληθεύωσιν.

Health is precious but volatile.

Υγιεία τίμιον αλλ' ευμετάστατον.

Those who try a lot succeed a lot.

Οι πολλά βάλλοντες επιτυγχάνουσι πολλάκις.

The prudent stay away from hatred and anger.

Σώφρονος ανδρός έχθραν φυλάττεσθαι και οργήν.

It is necessary to sail, it is not necessary to live.

Πλειν ανάγκη, ζην ουκ ανάγκη.

(general Pompey to sailors who did not want to sail because of a storm)

—  Πομπήιος

Even a good captain could be shipwrecked. And a great man can fail.

Και κυβερνήτης αγαθός ενίοτε ναυαγεί· και ανήρ σπουδαίος ατυχεί.

Not to hold your anger at all is rude and vulgar.

Το γαρ μηδαμού κρατείν οργής απαίδευτον και ακόλαστον.

Difficulties are overcome with diligence.

Τα χαλεπά ταις επιμελείαις αλίσκεται.

Nothing without cause, nothing without effect.

Ουδέν ατέκμαρτον, ουδέν τυφλόν.

The lack of money never caused prodigality.

Ουδέποτε απορία χρημάτων εγέννησεν ασωτίαν.

Glory is nice but uncertain.

Δόξα σεμνόν μεν αλλ’ αβέβαιον.

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2025: Manolis Papathanassiou