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Αίσωπος, 620-560 BC ,  Ancient Greek fabulist
AesopHe was a Greek fabulist and storyteller credited with a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop’s Fables.

23 quotes3,344 visits

Ancient Greek

There is no shame in light blue eyes.

Γλαυκοίσιν οφθαλμοίσιν αιδώς ουκ ένι.

In the good days remember also death.

Ευημερών μέμνησο και του θανάτου.

Character lies in polite and friendly speaking.

Ήθος το πράον και το προσηνές ρήμα.

One, but a lion.

Είς, αλλά λέων.

We all came naked and we shall depart naked.

Γυμνοί ήλθομεν οι πάντες, γυμνοί και απελευσόμεθα.

A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Λύκος δοράν οιός περιβεβλημένος.

He who is close to Zeus is close to thunder.

Ο εγγύς Διός, εγγύς κεραυνού.

The “I don’t know” will not put me in prison.

Το ουκ οίδα εις φυλακήν ου βάλλει.

A friend and a horse are tested in a difficult situation.

Φίλος και ίππος εν ανάγκη δοκιμάζονται.

The unlucky man will be bitten even by a sheep.

Τον ατυχή και πρόβατον δάκνει.

He who loves you will insult you and he who hates you will flatter you.

Ο φιλών πλήξει σε, ο δε μισών κολακεύσει σε.

Speak to a tyrant as little as possible or as pleasantly as possible.

Ομιλείν δυνάστῃ... ως ήκιστα ή ως ήδιστα.

I hate long lasting hopes.

Μακράς ελπίδας μισώ.

The snake would change its skin but it would not change its mindset.

Όφις το δέρμα αποδύεται, την γνώμην δε ουδαμώς.

The grapes are sour.

Όμφακες εισίν.

(The Fox and the Grapes)

One is no one, two is a company, three is a crowd, four is a fair.

Είς ουδείς, δύο πολλοί, τρεις όχλος, τέσσαρες πανήγυρις.

The mountain labors and gives birth to a mouse.

Ώδινεν όρος και έτεκεν μυν.

The strength lies in the union.

Η ισχύς εν τη ενώσει.

The mother of a coward will not weep but will not rejoice either.

Δειλού μήτηρ ου κλαίει, αλλ' ουδέ χαίρει.

I would rather be eaten by a lion than by a fox.

Φαγέτω με λέων και μη αλώπηξ.

Fire, woman and sea, the mighty three.

Πυρ, γυνή και θάλασσα, δυνατά τρία.

It is your [secure] position, not you, that insults me.

Ω ούτος, ού συ με λοιδορείς, αλλ᾿ ο τόπος.

[Zeus] is humbling the proud and exalting the humble.

Τα μεν υψηλά ταπεινών, τα δε ταπεινά υψών.

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18 Aristotle
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21 Wolfgang Goethe
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23 William Blake
24 Ghandi
25 Benjamin Franklin
26 Karl Marx
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28 Schopenhauer
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33 Jean Cocteau
34 Kavafy
35 Churchill
36 Eugene Ionesco
37 Heraclitus
38 Fernando Pessoa
39 Disraeli
40 Victor Hugo


2025: Manolis Papathanassiou