Quotes by
Antonio Machado |
1875-1939 , Spanish poet & playwright

He rejected the modernism of his contemporaries and adopted what he called “eternal poetry,” which was based more on intuition than intellect.
He became known with his poems Soledades (1903; “Solitudes”) and Soledades, galerías, y otros poemas (1907; “Solitudes, Galleries, and other poems”).
In 1912 he published another major poetry collection, Campos de Castilla (The Castilian Camp), in which he reflects on the fate of Spain and on the death of his wife. In 1924 he produced the personal, yet philosophical, collection Nuevas canciones (“New Songs”), where he again recalls his late wife.
During the 20s and 30s he wrote theatrical plays in collaboration with his brother Manuel.
15 quotes | 1,736 visits |
• | Mankind owns four things that are no good at the sea: rudder, anchor, oars and the fear of going down. 5 |
• | Only a fool thinks price and value are the same. 4 |
• | In order to write poetry, you must first invent a poet who will write it. |
• | The great philosophers are poets who believe in the reality of their poems. |
• | The absence of vices adds so little to the sum of one's virtues |
• | No one should be afraid of what he thinks, even if his thought seems to conflict with the most elementary laws of logic. |
Quotes in Verse
• | Travelers, there is no path, paths are made by walking. 7 |
• | I thought my fire was out, and stirred the ashes…. I burnt my fingers. 5 |
• | What have you done with the garden that was entrusted to you? |
• | The deepest words of the wise man teach us the same as the whistle of the wind when it blows or the sound of the water when it is flowing. |
• | Last night as I was sleeping, I dreamt – marvellous error! – That it was God I had here inside my heart. |
• | Between living and dreaming there is a third thing. Guess what. (waking up) |
• | As you go, you open a path, and looking back you see a path that you will never walk again. |
• | In my heart I had the thorn of a passion. I managed to take it off one day. I no longer feel my heart. |
• | Look more in the mirror for the Other. |