Quotes by
Jules Renard |
1864-1910 , French writer

34 quotes | 4,739 visits |
• | Don't tell a woman she's pretty; tell her there's no other woman like her, and all roads will open to you. 26 |
• | I don't know if God exists, but it would be better for His reputation if He didn't. 14 |
• | Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired. 8 |
• | God does not believe in our God. 8 |
• | To say: “I'm not concerned about politics,” it is like saying: “I'm not concerned about life”. 8 |
• | There are no friends; only moments of friendship. 7 |
• | Prudence is a euphemism for fear. 6 |
• | True happiness is to reminisce the present. 6 |
• | The truly free man is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving an excuse. 6 |
• | I am never bored; to be bored is an insult to one's self. 6 |
• | Wrinkles are engraved smiles. 6 |
• | Writing is a way of talking without being interrupted. 5 |
• | Failure is not the only punishment for laziness; there is also the success of others. 5 |
• | Talent is a matter of quantity. Talent does not write one page, it writes three hundred. 5 |
• | You should tell the truth from time to time, in order to believe you when you lie. 5 |
• | When I think of all the books still left for me to read, I am certain of further happiness. 4 |
• | As I grow to understand life less and less, I learn to love it more and more. 4 |
• | Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties. 4 |
• | The bourgeois are the others. 4 |
• | To be able to make a conversation, you must know many useless things. 4 |
• | Faith in work is probably another useless faith. 3 |
• | Writing is the only profession where no one considers you ridiculous if you earn no money. 3 |
• | Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it. 3 |
• | Style is to forget all styles. 3 |
• | The farmer may be the only kind of man who does not like the countryside and never admires nature. 3 |
• | If you are afraid of being lonely, don't try to be right. 2 |
• | Paradise does not exist, but we must nonetheless strive to be worthy of it. 2 |
• | Literature is an occupation in which you have to keep proving your talent to people who have none. 2 |
• | On earth there is no heaven, but there are pieces of it. 2 |
• | Only in this world do we laugh: in hell, it won't be possible; and in heaven, it won't be proper. 2 |
• | To succeed you must add water to your wine, until there is no more wine. 2 |
• | The most foolish exaggeration is tears. It's annoying as a dripping tap. 2 |
Funny Quotes
• | I always have the last word in my house and that word is usually “yes.” 4 |
• | If money does not make you happy, give it to me. 4 |