Quotes by
Honoré de Balzac |
1799-1850 , French writer

Eugénie Grandet (1833) was his first best-seller. Le Père Goriot (1835) and La Cousine Bette (1848) are some of his other famous novels.
89 quotes | 4,474 visits |
• | Our greatest fears lie in anticipation. 12 |
• | How natural it is to destroy what we cannot possess, to deny what we do not understand, and to insult what we envy! 10 |
• | Want him to be more of a man? Try being more of a woman! 9 |
• | My further advice on your relations to women is based upon that other motto of chivalry, “Serve all, love one.” 7 |
• | Solitude is fine, but you need someone to tell you that solitude is fine. 7 |
• | Time is the only capital of those who just have their intelligence as fortune. 7 |
• | The secret of great fortunes without apparent cause is a crime forgotten, for it was properly done. 6 |
• | Equality may be a right, but no power on earth can convert it into fact. 5 |
• | It is quite right what they say: the three most beautiful sights in the world are a ship in full sail, a galloping horse, and a woman dancing. 5 |
• | Our heart is a treasury; if you pour out all its wealth at once, you are bankrupt. 5 |
• | An old man is a man who has dined and who watches others eat. 5 |
• | No man has ever yet discovered the way to give friendly advice to any woman, not even to his own wife. 4 |
• | There is no such thing as a great talent without great will power. 4 |
• | Most men of action believe in fate and most men of thought believe in prudence. 4 |
• | Fame is poison, so we must take it in small doses. 4 |
• | It is easy to sit up and take notice, What is difficult is getting up and taking action. 3 |
• | Talent is a flame, but genius is a fire. 1 |
• | Thinking is seeing... all poetry like every work of art proceeds from a swift vision of things. |
• | Glory is the sun of the dead. |
• | Men are like that, they can resist sound argument, yet yield to a glance. |
• | When women love, they forgive everything, even our crimes; when they do not love, they cannot forgive anything, not even our virtues. |
• | People exaggerate both happiness and unhappiness; we are never so fortunate nor so unfortunate as people say we are. |
• | Manners are the hypocrisy of nations. |
• | The virtue of women is perhaps a question of temperament. |
• | It is easier to be a lover than a husband, for the same reason that it is more difficult to be witty every day, than to say bright things from time to time. |
• | The more we judge, the less we love. |
• | When law becomes despotic, morals are relaxed, and vice versa. |
• | “I will succeed!” The word of the gambler, of the great captain, a fatalistic word which loses more men than it saves. |
• | Man dies in despair while the Spirit dies in ecstasy. |
• | Lovers have a way of using this word “nothing” which implies exactly the opposite. |
• | The provinces are provinces; they are only ridiculous when they mimic Paris. |
• | Whoever talks too much wants to deceive. |
• | A mother, who is really a mother, is never free. |
• | When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt. |
• | Every moment of happiness requires a great amount of Ignorance. |
• | Hatred is the vice of narrow souls; they feed it with all their littleness, and make it the pretext of base tyrannies. |
• | Bureaucracy is a giant mechanism operated by pygmies. |
• | Forgetting is the great secret of strong and creative lives. |
• | Woman is closer to angels than man, because she knows how to mingle an infinite tenderness with the most absolute compassion. |
• | Where poverty ceases, greed begins. |
• | A woman knows the face of the man she loves as a sailor knows the open sea. |
• | Women, when they have made a sheep of a man, always tell him that he is a lion with an iron will. |
• | People who are in love suspect nothing or everything. |
• | The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness. |
• | The press is like a woman: sublime when it lies, it will not let go until it has forced you to believe it. The public, like a foolish husband, always succumbs. |
• | Life is simply what out feelings do to us. |
• | Those who spend too fast never grow rich. |
• | Poetry is only born after painful journeys into the vast regions of thought. |
• | Jobs are like marriages; we end by feeling only their inconveniences. |
• | Marriage must incessantly contend with a monster that devours everything: routine. |
• | Great minds always tend to see virtue in misfortune. |
• | A woman must be a genius to create a good husband. |
• | Vice is perhaps a desire to learn everything. |
• | In diving to the bottom of pleasure we bring up more gravel than pearls. |
• | Courtesy is only a thin veneer on the general selfishness. |
• | In a world of hunchbacks, a fine figure becomes a monstrosity. |
• | Noble hearts are neither jealous nor afraid because jealousy spells doubt and fear spells pettiness. |
• | An ounce of courage will go farther with women than a pound of timidity. |
• | Despotism accomplishes great things illegally; liberty doesn't even go to the trouble of accomplishing small things legally. |
• | Ah! What pleasure it must be to a woman to suffer for the one she loves! |
• | We should believe in marriage as in the immortality of the soul. |
• | Paris, like every pretty woman, is subject to inexplicable whims of beauty and ugliness. |
• | A husband and wife who have separate bedrooms have either drifted apart or found happiness. |
• | Nothing so fortifies a friendship as a belief on the part of one friend that he is superior to the other. |
• | Hatred like love feeds on the merest trifles. |
• | Reading brings us unknown friends. |
• | Happiness depends on courage and work. |
• | I am not deep, but I am very wide. |
• | The majority of husbands remind me of an orangutan trying to play the violin. |
• | Generous people make bad merchants. |
• | Great people are always wrong to joke with their inferiors. The joke is a game, and the game supposes equality. |
• | People value you for your usefulness, regardless of your worth. |
• | The woman is a lyre who only reveals her secrets to those who know how to play. |
• | It is a sign of mediocrity to be incapable of enthusiasm. |
• | A husband, like a government, should never confess wrongdoing. |
• | Joy can only spring up among people who feel equal. |
• | In love, there is always one who suffers and another who is bored. |
• | France is a country that loves to change government as long as it’s always the same. |
• | People who strongly want something are almost always well served by chance. |
• | For the journalist, whatever is probable is true. |
• | Coquetry only goes well to the happy woman. |
• | The police and the Jesuits have the virtue of never abandoning their enemies or their friends. |
• | A husband should always know what his wife has, because she always knows what she doesn’t have. |
• | Newspapers are the brothel of thought. |
• | Repentance is the last sin of women. |
• | If the Press did not exist, we would not have to invent it. |
• | Kings and women believe that everything that happens is due to them. |
• | One must always do well what one does, even if it is something crazy. |
• | A woman shows her ass faster than her heart. |