Quotes by
Maurice Chapelan |
1906-1992 , French author of maxims & journalist

35 quotes | 1,599 visits |
• | Few women inspire tenderness after sex, few men have the courtesy to fake it. 8 |
• | There are two kinds of loneliness: one that comes from ourselves and one that comes from others. 6 |
• | It will take a great deal of magnanimity from God to forgive men for inventing hell. 4 |
• | Those who never cry are full of tears. 4 |
• | Above all, fear the judgment of those who judge you in the name of Him who said: “Judge not, that ye be not judged”. 4 |
• | The absence is like arsenic: a little strengthens love, a lot kills it. 3 |
• | The last illusion is to believe that we have lost all our illusions. 3 |
• | In failure, all men end up being alike. Success is the revealer of natures, and what it reveals is not always nice. 3 |
• | Simplicity has always been the hallmark of truth. 2 |
• | When you are young, you think about death without waiting for it. When you're old, you wait for it without thinking about it. |
• | Happiness is sand between the fingers in the wind. |
• | The earth has become too small for the wickedness of people. |
• | The only friend is the one we could be with like a woman. |
• | The greatest egoists arouse the greatest devotion. |
• | Faith is not proven, it is experienced. Believers do not need proofs, but trials. |
• | Death is like a competition where everyone hopes to be last. |
• | Justice is injustice fairly shared. |
• | We hate the truth out of prudery, because it is naked. |
• | People my age seem older to me than me. |
• | Boredom. A desert that crosses me. |
• | I have always been devoured by a terrible ambition: to please myself. |
• | The intelligent man has in common with the fool that he who does not think like him is a fool. |
• | To pretend to believe a lie is an exquisite lie. |
• | A book of maxims is a timid confession. |
• | Religion is the counterfeit currency of despair. |
• | The most indecent thing a man would show: his dreams. |
• | Lying is the oxygen of social breathing. |
• | I am looking for the secret of not wasting anything. |
• | I really like that the heart dictates, that the imagination writes and that the mind corrects. |
• | A pessimist is never disappointed. |
• | Religion: the last refuge of self-love. |
• | A face is flexible, a mask is not. |
• | Romanticism is a state of the soul. Classicism is a state the spirit. |
• | How beautiful to see the snow on the village! Not everything is so bad in this world. The snow could be black. |
Funny Quotes
• | At the confessional, when a priest insists, we have reason to wonder if it is for the truth or for pleasure. |