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Quotes by

Gilbert Cesbron

1913-1979 ,  French writer
Gilbert Cesbron

11 quotes1,084 visits


A snob is someone who prefers to travel standing first class rather than sitting in second class.

From violin, a man as he ages becomes a cello, then a double bass: a thick body, a deep voice and not much to say.

We are young when we hope that each day will be different from the day before; old when we hope that each year will be like the last.

All these people who have no talent, what would become of them without all these people who have no taste?

It’s often more difficult to talk to a woman than to then sleep with her.

He who thinks he is always right is always wrong in that first.

The emblem of France was the rooster. Today it is coq au vin.

Bistros are the devil’s confessionals.

I knew a time when the main pollution came from people shaking their carpets out of the window.

Each of us has an inner accompanying music. And if others hear it too, it is called personality.

We realize that we have become specialists when the things we talk about with pleasure bore others.

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2025: Manolis Papathanassiou