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Quotes by

Paul Lefevre Geraldy

1885-1983 ,  French writer
Paul Lefevre GeraldyHe published his first collection of poems , Les petites âmes , in 1908 and achieved considerable success with his second anthology, Toi et moi , in 1912. They are simple and naive poems, but very innovative for the time.
He was also the author of short stories and plays with moderate success.

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It is the woman who chooses the man who will choose her.

The heart and the mind have a consultative voice. The flesh has a commanding voice.

Young people seek love, money, health. One day they will say: health, money, love.

There is much more love in friendship than friendship in love.

Memory is a poet, not a historian.

Very happy are those who are unhappy only because of love.

If someone loves us, we love them too because we have the same tastes.

Romantic love is the effort a man makes to limit himself to just one woman.

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2024: Manolis Papathanassiou