
The Best Quotations


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First time is a favor, second time is a rule.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is now.

Before you hit the dog, find out the name of his master.

Beauty is the wisdom of women. Wisdom is the beauty of men.

A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.

The one who plants the tree is not the one who will enjoy its shade.

Dig the well before you are thirsty.

If you don't want anyone to know, don't do it.

To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.

Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps the singing bird will come.

He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount.

Failure is the mother of success.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.

Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

Climb mountains to see lowlands.

The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.

Raise your sail one foot and you get ten feet of wind.

If you bow at all, bow low.

Don't open a shop unless you like to smile.

A diamond with a flaw is worth more than a pebble without imperfections.

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 Italian proverbs

 Popular Sources
1 Seneca
2 Epicurus
3 Shakespeare
4 Lenin
5 Nietzsche
6 Cicero
7 Horace
8 Talleyrand
9 Einstein
10 Jean-Paul Sartre
11 Julius Caesar
12 G. Bernard Shaw
13 Otto von Bismarck
14 Napoleon
15 Blaise Pascal
16 Lao-Tzu
17 Oscar Wilde
18 Aristotle
19 Plato
20 Socrates
21 Wolfgang Goethe
22 Homer
23 William Blake
24 Ghandi
25 Benjamin Franklin
26 Karl Marx
27 Hippocrates
28 Schopenhauer
29 Voltaire
30 John Kennedy
31 Diogenes
32 Abraham Lincoln
33 Jean Cocteau
34 Kavafy
35 Churchill
36 Eugene Ionesco
37 Heraclitus
38 Fernando Pessoa
39 Disraeli
40 Victor Hugo


2025: Manolis Papathanassiou