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Quotes by

Ashleigh Brilliant

1933- ,  British cartoonist & epigrammatist
Ashleigh BrilliantA cartoonist and author born in London, UK. He graduated from Berkeley with a PhD in history in 1964 and taught on a “Floating University”, an educational cruise ship that traveled around the world in the mid-60s. He became an American citizen in 1969.
He is best known for his Pot-Shots, single-panel illustrations with one-line humorous remarks, which began syndication in the USA in 1975. Brilliant employs a self-imposed limit of 17 words per epigram.
He is kinda professional epigrammatist who often takes legal action against writers who use his phrases.

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Just when I nearly had the answer, I forgot the question.

Once I wanted total happiness – now I will settle for a little less pain.

Forgive me now – tomorrow I may no longer feel guilty.

I didn't say it was your fault. I said I was going to blame it on you.

There are some things children cannot know, because once they learn them they are no longer children.

One possible reason why things aren't going according to plan is that there never was a plan.

It's human to make mistakes and some of us are more human than others.

I've found the secret of happiness, total disregard of everybody.

The price of freedom keeps going up, but the quality keeps deteriorating.

Be kind to unkind people. They need it the most.

To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first, and call whatever you hit the target.

My social life is much better, since I stopped spending it with other people.

The trouble is that sex is a force of nature, and reason is not.

When you plan a journey from your mind into mine, remember to allow for the time difference.

No man is an island, but some of us are long peninsulas.

The best thing about being too late is that there's no more need to hurry.

The surest way to learn is by doing it,
but often, the lesson is: Don't do it!

The difference between friendship and love is how much you can hurt each other.

Not being able to do everything is no excuse for not doing everything you can.

If only our great thinkers could learn to talk, and our great talkers could learn to think.

Sometimes the most urgent and vital thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest.

I have abandoned my search for truth and am now looking for a good fantasy.

For some strange reason, no matter where I go, the place is always called “here”.

    The best reason for having dreams is that in dreams no reasons are necessary.

    If you can't learn to do it well, learn to enjoy doing it badly.

    Maybe I'm lucky to be going so slowly, because I may be going in the wrong direction.

    There may not be a Heaven, but there is a San Francisco.

    The closest you will ever come in this life to an orderly universe is a good library.

    The whole world is our dining room, but be careful: it is also our garbage can.

    Unless you move, the place where you are is the place where you will always be.

    The time for action is past!
    Now is the time for senseless bickering!

    If you can't go where people are happier, try to make people happier where you are.

    I will always love the false image I had of you.

    My life so far has been a long series of things I wasn't ready for.

    Strangely enough, this is the past that somebody in the future is longing to go back to.

    Things are sometimes better left as they are, but you can't be sure until you change them.

    My cat knows the meaning of life, but has no interest in sharing the secret.

    Why does life keep teaching me lessons I have no desire to learn?

    The greatest obstacle to discovering the truth is being convinced that you already know it.

    I don't understand you. You don't understand me. What else do we have in common?

    Everything takes longer than you expect,
    even when you expect it to take longer than you expect.

    Life can be very deep, but I'm trying to stay at the shallow end.

    If you can neither accept it or change it, try to laugh at it.

    I feel much better, now that I've given up hope.

    Beware! Freedom of speech also includes the freedom to be misunderstood.

    The older you get, the more important it is to not act your age.

    The longer I live, the less future there is to worry about.

    There's no harm in talking to yourself,
    but try to avoid telling yourself jokes you've heard before.

    If you don't like my opinion of you, you can always improve.

    Please don't tell me to relax, it's only my tension that's holding me together.

    Please don't believe everything you hear about me,
    regardless of how true it may be.

    I have no prejudices: all my irrational hatreds are based on solid evidence.

    Please don't tell me there's no need to worry, it's the only thing I'm any good at.

    The majority is never right, unless it includes me.

    Nothing we do can change the past, but everything we do changes the future.

    To be sure of winning, invent your own game, and never tell any other player the rules.

    Here is a guaranteed way to get more of what you want: want less.

    We've been through so much together, and most of it was your fault.

    My first line of defense against reality is called sleep.

    Life is too important to be taken as a joke, but too ridiculous to be taken seriously.

    My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I'm right.

    You are what you eat, but eventually you become what eats you.

    Women can do anything men can do, but often have more sense than even to be interested.

    More books have resulted from somebody's need to write than from anybody’s need to read.

    One thing you can rely on is that there will always be uncertainty.

    The truly successful teacher is the one you will never need again.

    The things I fear may all be imaginary,
    so what I fear most is my imagination.

    I'm just moving clouds today, tomorrow I'll try mountains.

    Tell me again how much you agree with me.

    If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.

    I could do great things, if I weren't so busy doing little things.

    In a democracy, every little wrong idea may grow up to become national policy.

    Some changes are so slow, you don't notice them,
    others are so fast, they don't notice you.

    Please don't ask me what the score is.
    I'm not even sure what the game is.

    If you want to put yourself on the map, publish your own map.

    All I ask of Life is a constant and exaggerated sense of my own importance.

    All people are different. That's why everybody should be treated the same.

    Why is there still so much pain and suffering being produced when there's so little demand for it?

    If you have something to say and say nothing, you are really telling a lie.

    The surest way to remain a winner is to win once,
    and then not play any more.

    I don't know how to be happy
    They didn't teach it in my school.

    Life may have no meaning.
    Or even worse, it may have a meaning of which I disapprove.

    If I do enough different things in enough different ways, I may, eventually, do something right.

    Somehow I reached excess without ever noticing when I was passing through satisfaction.

    Look how often the unexpected happens
    yet we still never expect it.

    Don't wait for a disaster to get to know your neighbors.

    Be a good neighbor, and leave me alone.

    Time will end all my troubles, but I don't always approve of Time's methods.

    My main object in life is to see what will happen next.

    There ought to be a better way than government to run the world.

    I don't need a great deal of love
    but I do need a steady supply.

    Life is a process of losing our illusions, until we finally lose the illusion that we're alive.

    Dying is a part of living, but only a very small part.

    Funny Quotes

    We want either less corruption, or more chance to participate in it.

    Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence.

    I don't have any solution, but I certainly admire the problem.

    Strange as it may seem, my life is based on a true story.

    What's most interesting about some books is the question: How did this crap ever get published?

    I didn't mind being a public executioner, once I got the hang of it.

    If you keep groaning, please do it to a rhythm I can dance to.

    My life has a superb cast, but I cannot figure out the plot.

    I try to take it one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.

    My computer must be broken: whenever I ask a wrong question, it gives a wrong answer.

    I've learned so much from my failures that I'm thinking of having some more.

    Life is the only game in which the object of the game is to learn the rules.

    If you think communication is all talking, you haven't been listening.

    I’ll give up my bad habits as soon as equally satisfying good habits become available.

    Having failed to conquer myself, my best hope now is to arrange an alliance with myself.

    Communication with the dead is only a little more difficult than communication with some of the living.

    It's not easy taking my problems one at a time when they refuse to get in line.

    I'm in search of myself
    have you seen me anywhere?

    What happened to you could have been worse – it could have happened to me.

    For me, it's always easy to choose between the Ultimate, the Infinite, and the Chocolate.

    Unlike most other people, I'm just an average person.

    Speak nothing but the truth, and you'll soon be considered dangerous.

    Not only don't I know what tomorrow will bring, I'm still not entirely certain what yesterday brought.

    I hope I can settle my internal conflicts without bloodshed.

    My struggle to remain healthy is gradually killing me.

    They laughed at Edison and Einstein,
    but somehow I still feel uncomfortable when they laugh at me.

    What I need is a lawyer who specializes in the law of the jungle.

    I believe the stars can affect human lives, particularly by providing employment for thousands of astrologers.

    Do you believe in apathy at first sight?

    Cheer up! The worst effects of what we're doing won't be felt until after we're all dead.

    All I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power.

    To the Tax Office: All is over between us. Please don't attempt to communicate with me again.

    If you value your safety, avoid holy places founded in the name of peace and brotherhood.

    A good friend is worth pursuing
    but why would a good friend be running away?

    I want to reach your mind
    where is it currently located?

    I have seen the future!
    Go back!

    If you don't believe in ghosts, you've never been to a family reunion.

    Words are a wonderful form of communication, but they will never replace kisses and punches.

    No matter how often I talk to God, he never tells me anything I didn’t already know.

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    1 Seneca
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    10 Jean-Paul Sartre
    11 Julius Caesar
    12 G. Bernard Shaw
    13 Otto von Bismarck
    14 Napoleon
    15 Blaise Pascal
    16 Lao-Tzu
    17 Oscar Wilde
    18 Aristotle
    19 Plato
    20 Socrates
    21 Wolfgang Goethe
    22 Homer
    23 William Blake
    24 Ghandi
    25 Benjamin Franklin
    26 Karl Marx
    27 Hippocrates
    28 Schopenhauer
    29 Voltaire
    30 John Kennedy
    31 Diogenes
    32 Abraham Lincoln
    33 Jean Cocteau
    34 Kavafy
    35 Churchill
    36 Eugene Ionesco
    37 Heraclitus
    38 Fernando Pessoa
    39 Disraeli
    40 Victor Hugo


    2025: Manolis Papathanassiou