Turkish proverb |

11 quotes | 1,381 visits |
Special Quotes
• | Where there’s plenty of stuff, there’s plenty of crap. 3 |
• | They call you “generous” to get your money, they call you “brave” to get you killed. 9 |
• | Loss and profit are brothers. 9 |
• | Even if you know a thousand things, ask someone who knows better. 6 |
• | Some cannot find a bridge to cross the water, while others cannot find water to drink. 5 |
• | Many give advice, few give bread. 4 |
• | If the imam farts, the community will shit. 3 |
• | The hole is big but the patch is small. 3 |
• | A man does not seek his luck, luck seeks its man. 3 |
• | To live in peace, one must be blind, deaf and mute. 3 |
• | In the company of the blind, close your eyes. 2 |