
The Best Quotations


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Quotes by

Isaac Asimov

1920-1992 ,  American Sci-Fi writer
Isaac AsimovAmerican author and biochemist, a highly successful and prolific writer of science fiction and of science books for the layperson. He published about 500 volumes.
He was born in Russia and was brought to the United States at age three. He grew up in Brooklyn, NY, graduating from Columbia University in 1939 and taking a Ph.D. there in 1948. He then joined the faculty of Boston University, with which he remained associated thereafter.

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When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent.

The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.

The easiest way to solve a problem is to deny it exists.

Uncertainty that comes from knowledge (knowing what you don't know) is different from uncertainty coming from ignorance.

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!”, but “That's funny …”

Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.

In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate.

People think of education as something they can finish.

The Law of conservation of energy tells us we can't get something for nothing, but we refuse to believe it.

Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is.

The foundation of all technology is fire.

The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.

If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster.

(in a TV show; he claimed later that he had actually said “6 months”)

The day you stop learning is the day you begin decaying.

Science fiction writers foresee the inevitable, and although problems and catastrophes may be inevitable, solutions are not.

I am not a speed reader. I am a speed understander.

Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.

To succeed, planning alone is insufficient. One must improvise as well.

I write for the same reason I breathe - because if I didn't, I would die.

Funny Quotes

Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

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 Popular Sources
1 Seneca
2 Epicurus
3 Shakespeare
4 Lenin
5 Nietzsche
6 Cicero
7 Horace
8 Talleyrand
9 Einstein
10 Jean-Paul Sartre
11 Julius Caesar
12 G. Bernard Shaw
13 Otto von Bismarck
14 Napoleon
15 Blaise Pascal
16 Lao-Tzu
17 Oscar Wilde
18 Aristotle
19 Plato
20 Socrates
21 Wolfgang Goethe
22 Homer
23 William Blake
24 Ghandi
25 Benjamin Franklin
26 Karl Marx
27 Hippocrates
28 Schopenhauer
29 Voltaire
30 John Kennedy
31 Diogenes
32 Abraham Lincoln
33 Jean Cocteau
34 Kavafy
35 Churchill
36 Eugene Ionesco
37 Heraclitus
38 Fernando Pessoa
39 Disraeli
40 Victor Hugo


2025: Manolis Papathanassiou