Quotes by
Marty Rubin |
1930-1994 , Canadian gay activist, author & journalist

In 1987, he published his first and only book, “The Boiled Frog Syndrome”, a gay political thriller.
64 quotes | 2,350 visits |
• | Time does not pass; it continues. 7 |
• | People grow bitter and cynical about life because they can't bend it to their will. 6 |
• | The fox loves to hide. But when his prey hides, he calls it cowardice. 6 |
• | What god does a sunflower believe in? That’s the god I believe in. 5 |
• | People who are hard to please, in other words, idiots. 4 |
• | Never say yes to anything you can’t say no to. 4 |
• | Morality is what the queen expects from the hive, not from herself. 4 |
• | Everyone I meet wants to give me directions, but I'm not lost. 4 |
• | Happiness lies in the physical life, sorrow in thought. 3 |
• | Beware of becoming a pawn in your own game. |
• | As long as you can ignore a problem, it is not a problem. |
• | It is dependency, not familiarity, that breeds contempt. |
• | The pain you hide leaves the deepest scars. |
• | Myth is ancient science; science is modern myth. |
• | Bad health is bad luck. Everything else is good luck. |
• | Take a wrong turn. Get lost in something you love. |
• | Silence may be golden but it solves nothing. |
• | Perfect balance is the art of falling gracefully. |
• | When the cricket’s song is the only sound you hear, how peaceful the whole earth seems. |
• | It is not important that others like what you like. All that matters is that you like it. |
• | There should be a law against doing work one doesn’t like or believe in. |
• | To treat another human being as if they’re expendable is the very definition of evil. |
• | A woman who needs romantic favors to feel loved will never feel loved. |
• | The receding wave does not despair; it knows it will rise again. |
• | When winter comes, wrap yourself in a blanket of love. |
• | Morning will come, it has no choice. |
• | What can be labeled, packaged, mass produced is neither truth nor art. |
• | The deep roots never doubt spring will come. |
• | Human nature is water, not stone. |
• | News used to come too late; now it comes too early. |
• | Books end. Stories never end. |
• | Don't stare out the window; run through the fields. |
• | Philosophers tell you what they think. Artists show you. |
• | The past lives through us. We are its legacy. |
• | Don't worry! Something always goes wrong. |
• | Pretending is one of our greatest pleasures. But you have to know you're pretending. |
• | The essentials: air, food, water, sleep, leisure, exercise, solitude, companionship. The inessentials: everything else. |
• | Civilization: a scheme to hide nakedness. |
• | Because of an apple Eden fell and Troy was destroyed. |
• | Never confuse a hunger for knowledge with a thirst for truth. |
• | The scientist seeks laws; the historian, causes; the artist, freedom. |
• | Information is what you put in empty heads to keep them empty. |
• | I admire the fog, how it fades into itself. |
• | People don't think when they're enjoying themselves. Thinking is a sign of disturbance. |
• | Happiness never made anyone rich or famous. That must be why ambitious people avoid it. |
• | Writing is talking to yourself-with the hope of being overheard. |
• | Home is where you can go and rest and be nothing. |
• | Drink freely the wine life offers you and don’t worry how much you spill. |
• | We all talk to ourselves. Those we call mad just talk a little louder. |
• | There is music you never hear unless you play it yourself. |
• | It's not the wound that teaches, but the healing. |
• | To hate everything is to be wounded by everything. |
• | Seize the day, then let it go. |
• | When people don't do what they want, they don't know what to do. |
• | We're all stumbling in the dark, and that makes for some pretty interesting collisions. |
• | Truth is what's left when you run out of excuses. |
• | Travel doesn't become adventure until you leave yourself behind. |
• | The mark of the coward is that he attacks the vulnerable. |
• | Some people have such good taste they can't enjoy anything. |
• | No one plants rosebushes for the thorns. |
• | Lessons are learned, not taught. |
• | Everyone has the right to play their cards their own way. |
• | Αll children are born rebels and explorers until they're taught to sit still and obey. |
• | A pessimist is someone who has forgotten the joy of beginning. |