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Επίκτητος, 50-120 AD ,  Ancient Greek Stoic philosopher
Epictetus Greek Stoic philosopher. He was born a slave at Hierapolis, Phrygia and lived in Rome until the banishment of philosophers by Domitian. Then, he went to Nicopolis in northwestern Greece for the rest of his life.
His teachings were written down and published by his pupil Arrian in his Discourses and Enchiridion.

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Ancient Greek

You are a little soul, carrying a corpse.

Ψυχάριον εί, βαστάζον νεκρόν.

If you want to live a life without stress, consider whatever is going to happen in the future as if it has already happened

Ει βούλει άλυπον βίον ζην, τα μέλλοντα συμβαίνειν ως ήδη συμβεβηκότα λογίζου.

Men are disturbed, not by things, but by the principles and notions which they form concerning things.

Ταράττει τους ανθρώπους ου τα πράγματα, αλλά τα περί των πραγμάτων δόγματα.

No one is free if he cannot subdue himself.

Ουδείς ελεύθερος εαυτού μη κρατών.

If you want to become good, first believe that you are bad.

Ει βούλει αγαθός είναι, πρώτον πίστευσον ότι κακός εί.

It is a sign of stupidity to take too much care of your body.

Αφυΐας σημείον το ενδιατρίβειν τις περί το σώμα.

Sorrow is not the result of poverty, but of desire.

Ου πενία λύπην εργάζεται, αλλά επιθυμία.

For every action consider what has led to it and what follows it and thus proceed.

Εφ’ εκάστου έργου, σκόπει τα καθηγούμενα και τα ακόλουθα αυτού και ούτως έρχου επ’ αυτού.

A ship should not ride on a single anchor, nor life on a single hope.

Ούτε ναυν εκ μιάς αγκύρας, ούτε βίον εκ μιας ελπίδος ορμιστέον.

First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.

Τις είναι θέλεις σαυτώ πρώτον ειπέ. Είθ’ ούτως ποίει ά ποιείς.

Have patience and abstinence.

Ανέχου και απέχου.

Don't laugh too much, neither with many things, nor too loud.

Γέλως μη πολύς έστω, μηδέ επί πολλοίς, μηδέ ανειμένος.

The duties count in addition to relations.

Τα καθήκοντα ταις σχέσεσι προσμετρείται.

(for the things a philosopher should not neglect)

To the rational being only the irrational is unendurable, but the rational is endurable.

Τω λογικώ ζώω μόνον αφόρητόν εστι το άλογον. Το δ’ εύλογον φορητόν.

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2025: Manolis Papathanassiou