Quotes by
Lord Byron |
George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byro, 1788-1824 , British poet

Among his best-known works are the lengthy narrative poems, Don Juan and Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, and the short lyric poem, She Walks in Beauty.
At the end of his brief life, Byron joined the Greek War of Independence. He died in 1824 at the age of 36 from a fever contracted while in Missolonghi, Greece.
20 quotes | 3,532 visits |
• | The great object of life is sensation- to feel that we exist, even though in pain. 4 |
• | He makes a solitude, and calls it - peace! 4 |
• | A timid mind is apt to mistake every scratch for a mortal wound. 3 |
• | Man, being reasonable, must get drunk; the best of life is but intoxication. 3 |
• | Where there is mystery, it is generally suspected there must also be evil. 3 |
• | Friendship is Love without wings. 3 |
• | They never fail who die in a great cause. 2 |
• | I have a great mind to believe in Christianity for the mere pleasure of fancying I may be damned. 2 |
• | Always laugh when you can, it is cheap medicine. 2 |
• | There is something pagan in me that I cannot shake off. In short, I deny nothing, but doubt everything. 2 |
• | Friendship may, and often does, grow into love, but love never subsides into friendship. 2 |
• | Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey. 2 |
• | To have joy, one must share it. 2 |
• | A great poet belongs to no country; his works are public property, and his memoirs the inheritance of the public. 2 |
• | What's drinking? A mere pause from thinking! 2 |
Personal Stories
• | I only go out to get me a fresh appetite for being alone. 5 |
• | I awoke one morning and found myself famous. (reference to the instantaneous success of Childe Harold) 2 |
Quotes in Verse
• | I slept and dreamt that life was beauty; I woke and found that life was duty. 6 |
• | Tis strange - but true; for Truth is always strange, Stranger than Fiction. 3 |
• | I had a dream, which was not all a dream. 2 |