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Quotes by

Frank Tyger

1929-2011 ,  American cartoonist
Frank TygerBrooklyn-born, Frank Tyger spent most of his career (1962-1997) at the Trenton (NJ) Times (known today as the Times of Trenton). At the paper Frank wore many hats including editorial cartoonist, humorist, columnist and Promotion Manager, earning him the nickname of “Mr. Times” amongst his colleagues and the Trenton community.

32 quotes6,951 visits


Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness.

Professionalism is knowing how to do it, when to do it, and doing it.

When it comes to winning, you need the skill and the will.

Be a good listener. Your ears will never get you in trouble.

Ambition is enthusiasm with a purpose.

Hearing is one of the body's five senses. But listening is an art.

One of the greatest talents of all is the talent to recognize and to develop talent in others.

You can't be envious and happy at the same time.

Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you.

Swallow your pride occasionally, it's not fattening.

Progress results from persistence with purpose.

There's more to be feared from closed minds than from closed doors.

The ladder of success doesn't care who climbs it.

Progress is not created by contented people.

Keeping your fears to yourself is a form of courage.

Fear fades when facts are faced.

A sense of humor cushions the potholes on the road of life.

Opportunity's favorite disguise is trouble.

Most political speeches are unbelieveabull.

When you like your work every day is a holiday.

If you want happiness, provide it to others.

The biggest bore is the person who is bored by everyone and everything.

Discoveries are often made by not following instructions, by going off the main road, by trying the untried.

Learn to listen. Opportunity could be knocking at your door very softly.

On the highway of life, we most often recognize happiness out of the rear-view mirror.

Junk is the stuff we throw away. Stuff is the junk we keep.

Success won't just come to you. It has to be met at least half way.

The art of advice is to make the recipient believe he thought the thought of it himself.

To be successful, you've got to be willing to fail.

Modesty is the triumph of mind over flattery.

Success is often just an idea away.

Reputations are made by searching for things that can't be done and doing them.

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 Popular Sources
1 Seneca
2 Epicurus
3 Shakespeare
4 Lenin
5 Nietzsche
6 Cicero
7 Horace
8 Talleyrand
9 Einstein
10 Jean-Paul Sartre
11 Julius Caesar
12 G. Bernard Shaw
13 Otto von Bismarck
14 Napoleon
15 Blaise Pascal
16 Lao-Tzu
17 Oscar Wilde
18 Aristotle
19 Plato
20 Socrates
21 Wolfgang Goethe
22 Homer
23 William Blake
24 Ghandi
25 Benjamin Franklin
26 Karl Marx
27 Hippocrates
28 Schopenhauer
29 Voltaire
30 John Kennedy
31 Diogenes
32 Abraham Lincoln
33 Jean Cocteau
34 Kavafy
35 Churchill
36 Eugene Ionesco
37 Heraclitus
38 Fernando Pessoa
39 Disraeli
40 Victor Hugo


2025: Manolis Papathanassiou