Quotes by
Frank Tyger |
1929-2011 , American cartoonist

32 quotes | 6,951 visits |
• | Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness. 11 |
• | Professionalism is knowing how to do it, when to do it, and doing it. 11 |
• | When it comes to winning, you need the skill and the will. 9 |
• | Be a good listener. Your ears will never get you in trouble. 7 |
• | Ambition is enthusiasm with a purpose. 6 |
• | Hearing is one of the body's five senses. But listening is an art. 6 |
• | One of the greatest talents of all is the talent to recognize and to develop talent in others. 6 |
• | You can't be envious and happy at the same time. 5 |
• | Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you. 5 |
• | Swallow your pride occasionally, it's not fattening. 5 |
• | Progress results from persistence with purpose. 5 |
• | There's more to be feared from closed minds than from closed doors. 5 |
• | The ladder of success doesn't care who climbs it. 4 |
• | Progress is not created by contented people. 4 |
• | Keeping your fears to yourself is a form of courage. 4 |
• | Fear fades when facts are faced. 4 |
• | A sense of humor cushions the potholes on the road of life. 4 |
• | Opportunity's favorite disguise is trouble. 4 |
• | Most political speeches are unbelieveabull. 4 |
• | When you like your work every day is a holiday. 4 |
• | If you want happiness, provide it to others. 4 |
• | The biggest bore is the person who is bored by everyone and everything. 3 |
• | Discoveries are often made by not following instructions, by going off the main road, by trying the untried. 3 |
• | Learn to listen. Opportunity could be knocking at your door very softly. 3 |
• | On the highway of life, we most often recognize happiness out of the rear-view mirror. 3 |
• | Junk is the stuff we throw away. Stuff is the junk we keep. 3 |
• | Success won't just come to you. It has to be met at least half way. 3 |
• | The art of advice is to make the recipient believe he thought the thought of it himself. 3 |
• | To be successful, you've got to be willing to fail. 2 |
• | Modesty is the triumph of mind over flattery. 2 |
• | Success is often just an idea away. 2 |
• | Reputations are made by searching for things that can't be done and doing them. 2 |