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Quotes by

André Frossard

1915-1995 ,  French politician & essayist
André Frossard

15 quotes958 visits


Intellectuals are always willing to question a truth, but rarely a mistake.

In France, the first political principle is: everything you do is wrong and will remain wrong until it is me who does it.

A love that doesn't feel like eternity actually never started.

There are cases where the whole art of diplomacy is aimed at preserving problems for as long as possible.

Who said love is blind? She is the only one who sees sharply: she discovers beauties where others do not notice.

It's never easy to negotiate with people who know they are wrong.

The most common illness among politicians is amnesia.

In France, we always have a government of people who know what they want: they want to stay in power.

A civilization comes about through the successive contributions of generations that support each other, like the stones of a building.

Intellectual is someone who is out to explain to others what he himself has not understood.

Ignorance, if carefully maintained, has at least the advantage of protecting the beneficiary from errors.

On Earth, the vast majority of people live in physical misery; the rest too often live in mental misery.

Experience shows that it is much easier to take hostages than to release them.

Karl Marx: a great man who had foreseen everything except Marxism.

People always speak of “blind fanaticism”, as if there were clairvoyant fanaticism too.

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2024: Manolis Papathanassiou