
The Best Quotations


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Quotes by

Frédéric Dard

1921-2000 ,  French writer
Frédéric DardVery successful writer of – mainly – crime novels featuring detective San-Antonio.

13 quotes862 visits


Some people are so embarrassed when they borrow money that they don’t dare to pay it back.

Children are like farts: we can only tolerate our own.

A politician cannot have a career if he does not have a good memory, because he needs to remember the promises he must forget.

If I had known I would have loved her this much, I would have loved her even more.

It’s always the idiots who prevail. Because of numerical advantage.

The greatest museums in the world contain nothing but loot.

In Los Angeles, distances are so great that every pedestrian is a suspect.

We poets, when we are in pain, instead of trying to banish the pain, we try to give it a title.

Live in the present and leave the past for the future.

Disbelief has never been a sign of intelligence.

A difficult life is to art what manure is to fruits and vegetables.

An unfaithful woman is never guilty of her infidelities, only of the infidelities her husband has learned of.

Ingratitude saves time.

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2025: Manolis Papathanassiou