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Quotes by

Michel Tournier

1924-2016 ,  French writer
Michel Tournier-

15 quotes1,472 visits


Germany is a machine for producing geniuses. Its crowning product was the German Jew which in suitably dramatic style it then tried to destroy.

There is one undeniable sign that you recognize that you love someone romantically, and that is when their face arouses more desire in you than any other part of their body.

Having good health means being able to abuse it with impunity.

Work is against human nature. The proof is that it makes us tired.

The writer's function is to prevent myths turning into allegories.

Among other things, being young means you haven’t lost them all yet.

The main difference between love and friendship is that you can’t have friendship without reciprocation.

If we define intelligence as the ability to learn new things, to find solutions to problems that arise for the first time, then who is more intelligent than a child?

Nudity is worse than indecent, it is bestial. Clothes are the soul of man.

I have often noticed that children's lies are only an effort to simplify to put within the reach of adults a situation whose delicacy exceeds them.

I have always been scandalized by the lightness of men who are passionately worried about what awaits them after death, and who care very little about what happened to them before their birth.

Nothing isolates us as much as our secrets.

Where there is no longer room for doubt, there is no longer room for faith either.

The taller you want to grow, the more firmly your feet must rest on the ground. Every tree knows this.

Cheese, along with bread and wine, make up the trinity of the European meal.

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2025: Manolis Papathanassiou