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Φωκυλίδης, c. 5th cent. BC ,  Ancient Greek poet
PhocylidesPhocylides of Miletus was an elegiac poet who wrote exclusively quotations (“moral rules”) in hexameter verse that were later composed into a single didactic poem. He introduces many verses with the stereotypical phrase “And thus I say Phocylides” and for this reason he was also called a proverbial poet.
His sayings are not preserved as a complete work but are scattered in references by other authors.

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Ancient Greek

Love of money is the mother of all bad.

Η φιλοχρημοσύνη μήτηρ κακότητος απάσης.

Don’t judge anyone before you hear the story from both parts.

Μηδενί δίκην δικάσης, πριν αμφοίν μύθον ακούσης.

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2025: Manolis Papathanassiou