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Bion of Borysthenes

Βίων ο Βορυσθενίτης, c. 325-255 BC ,  Ancient Greek Cynic philosopher
Bion of BorysthenesBion of Borysthenes was an ancient Greek philosopher, born on the northern shores of the Black Sea, in Olbia Pontica, at the mouth of the Borysthenes River, today's Dnieper (Ukraine). He was the son of a freed slave and a prostitute.
Bion lived mainly in Athens. Although a Cynic, his philosophy also contains hedonistic ideas. He gained fame more as a satirical writer than as a philosopher.
His satirical work “Diatribes” (Essays) originated the Cynic “diatribe” or popular discourse on morality, whose style may have influenced that of the Christian sermon. Few of his writings survive.

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Ancient Greek

Bion said that education is a sacred asylum.

Βίων την παιδείαν έλεγεν ιερόν άσυλον.

Fortune did not give money to the rich, but lent it.

Τα χρήματα τοις πλουσίοις η τύχη ου δεδώρηται, αλλά δεδάνικεν.

Only joke with those who are your equals.

Αστειεύθητι μόνον ίσοις σου.

The road to Hades is easy; you go there with your eyes closed.

Εύκολος η εις άδου οδός· καταμύοντας γουν απιέναι.

You shouldn’t make fun of the old age that we all hope to reach.

Μη δειν ονειδίζειν το γήρας, εις ό πάντες ευχόμεθα ελθείν.

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2025: Manolis Papathanassiou