Quotes by
Bion of Borysthenes |
Βίων ο Βορυσθενίτης, c. 325-255 BC , Ancient Greek Cynic philosopher

Bion lived mainly in Athens. Although a Cynic, his philosophy also contains hedonistic ideas. He gained fame more as a satirical writer than as a philosopher.
His satirical work “Diatribes” (Essays) originated the Cynic “diatribe” or popular discourse on morality, whose style may have influenced that of the Christian sermon. Few of his writings survive.
5 quotes | 844 visits |
Ancient Greek
• | Bion said that education is a sacred asylum. Βίων την παιδείαν έλεγεν ιερόν άσυλον. 5 |
• | Fortune did not give money to the rich, but lent it. Τα χρήματα τοις πλουσίοις η τύχη ου δεδώρηται, αλλά δεδάνικεν. 3 |
• | Only joke with those who are your equals. Αστειεύθητι μόνον ίσοις σου. 3 |
• | The road to Hades is easy; you go there with your eyes closed. Εύκολος η εις άδου οδός· καταμύοντας γουν απιέναι. 3 |
• | You shouldn’t make fun of the old age that we all hope to reach. Μη δειν ονειδίζειν το γήρας, εις ό πάντες ευχόμεθα ελθείν. 3 |