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Edgar Cayce

1877-1945 ,  American mystic & prophet
Edgar CayceAmerican clairvoyant and self-proclaimed faith healer and psychic Cayce's sessions occurred during a trance state when he would fall asleep. He began faith healing in the 1920s, using a combination of spiritual readings and homeopathic medicine. In 1925 he settled in Virginia Beach, where he established a hospital (1928) and the Association for Research and Enlightenment (1931). He also made prophecies (including the destruction of New York City and California).
A biographer gave him the nickname The Sleeping Prophet.

12 quotes1,217 visits


There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, it doesn't behoove any of us to speak evil of the rest of us.

Birth in the physical is death in the spiritual. Death in the physical is birth in the spiritual.

The medicine of the future will be music and sound.

Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions.

Remember that all is One... and what you do to your neighbor, your friend or your foe, is a reflection of what you think of your Creator.

Through prayer we speak to God. In meditation, God speaks to us.

Yesterday is but a memory, Tomorrow an uncharted course,
So live today so it will be a memory without remorse.

Make the world a better place because you have lived in it.

There is no force in the universe more powerful than your will or power.

Learn to live with self and you will learn to live with others.

If you learn music you'll learn most all there is to know.

He who understands nature walks close with God.

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2024: Manolis Papathanassiou